If you thought that hyaluronic acid (HA) was only good for making your skin look plump and youthful, guess again. Though this substance has been used in injectable fillers—including Restylane and Juvéderm—for years, a number of recent studies have revealed its unique health benefits. 

1. Promotes Healthier, More Supple Skin

Your skin may be unhealthy, making it look ragged, dry and cracked. But hydrated skin is beautiful because you can usually tell that the person has a healthy body. Your system produces less hyaluronic acid as you age, which results in loss of volume in your skin as well as pain when doing simple tasks like brushing your hair or rolling over in bed. However, topical creams containing hyaluronic acid are able to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and cellulite while improving plumpness for better-looking skin.

2. Cutting down the time it takes to heal a wound

Wounds heal more quickly and flush out toxins better when they`re kept moist. Hyaluronic acid is an effective substance to lock moisture into skin cells, so it`s commonly used in topical creams to speed up the healing process.

3. Keeping the bones well lubricated, can relieve joint pain.

If you have aching joints or arthritis, applying topical creams that contain hyaluronic acid may help alleviate your pain. Patients with arthritis who experience agonizing pain have found relief in the form of this substance which both acts as a lubricant on damaged joints and reduces inflammation at the same time.

4. Reduce The Pain of Acid Reflux Symptoms

One of the main signs of acid reflux is a burning sensation in your chest. Hyaluronic acid gels containing sodium hyaluronate may help relieve this symptom by coating and protecting the esophagus, as well as relieving inflammation elsewhere in the digestive tract. If you`re suffering from acid indigestion, it`s worth a try.

5. Improve Dry Eye and Discomfort

Dryness, itchiness, light sensitivity, irritation and eye pain are just some of the symptoms that indicate your body may be low on a certain ingredient: hyaluronic acid.

Some contact lenses may result in dry eyes and discomfort. Applying a topical hyaluronic acid gel might help you keep your eyes well-hydrated from within. Despite the fact that tears are what lubricate your eyes, some lenses can exacerbate the eye`s dehydration by containing high concentrations of silicon hydrogel or other substances that extract moisture such as extended wear contacts or silicone hydrogel lenses.

6. Protect Bone Strength

Studies show that as people age, brittle bones can make even slight falls or accidents lead to fractures. Increased levels of hyaluronic acid can help increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis by acting like a “shock absorber” for the bone. As you age, bone mass tends to decrease and becomes more brittle, increasing risk for fracture during even minor falls or accidents, as well as osteoporosis. Studies show that hyaluronic acid can increase bone density and strength by acting a “shock absorber” for the bones, thereby reducing overall stress on them while providing elastic support wherever it`s needed.

7. Could Prevent Bladder Pain

Interstitial cystitis (or IC) is a chronic condition that causes recurring bladder pain, discomfort and inflammation, often accompanied by urgent urination problems and the inability to empty your bladder completely. If you have this disorder, doctors may recommend that you apply a topical hyaluronic acid gel containing sodium hyaluronate directly to the areas where you experience pain or discomfort in order to soothe the irritated tissue and promote healing. Interstitial cystitis (or IC) is a chronic condition that causes recurring bladder pain, discomfort and inflammation, often accompanied by urgent urination problems and the inability to empty your bladder completely. If you have this disorder, doctors may recommend that you apply a topical hyaluronic acid gel containing sodium hyaluronate directly.

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